Thursday, April 13, 2017

Is it weird to really only listen to Jesus Christ Superstar at Easter?
'Tis the time of year when I'm reminded of the summer of 2005, as people spent multiple weeks calling out a continual stream of "HO-Hannah! HEY-Hannah! Hannah! Hannah! Ho!"

[This joke makes zero sense if you don't know what song I'm referencing. Sorry about that.]

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I've had a real desk in my office for about a week, and the only drawer that's actually set-up and full is the snack drawer.

That feels accurate.

Productions I've Worked On During the Past Week, When I Want to Look Back and Remember Why I Was So Tired
* John, His Story / Easter (SM)
* You Can't Take it With You (Production Coordinator / SM that day the SM had the flu)
* Godspell (Auditions Coordinator / Emailer of All The Things)
* Charlotte's Web (moving set pieces)
* Lion, Witch, Wardrobe (SM, preliminary audition emails)