Wednesday, April 17, 2019

(Or like now, when I paused mid crying jag to write a blog post)

I appear to be at the state of emotional growth where I can recognize that I'm having an emotional reaction outsized to the ...whatever that caused it, but can't stop the outburst from occurring.

For example, just now:
ONE SIDE OF MY BRAIN: There's no reason we should be crying over this.
OTHER SIDE: Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop ME! [pictures throwing a heavy item across the room]

At least I'm not *actually* throwing things?

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

(Probably not a sign of increased maturity, at least)
I don't know what sign this is, but my socks actually matched the rest of my outfit today (dark stripes and dark stripes) rather than existing on their own separate realm of colors per usual.