Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Conversation I Had Yesterday that I'm Still Thinking About

TROY: Have you ever tried to drink an entire gallon of milk in an hour?

ME: No, but Caleb tried that last year. I think one of his professors mentioned it and then it turned into a bet on his floor for who could do it. I don't remember how many tried, but one actually made it.

TROY: Ha! See, I knew it could be done! That money's mine!

And then it went into how many times people threw up before they felt better (a lot), what kind of milk it was (Troy's using 2% because he thinks skim is "too watery"), and how long it took the one guy to feel better again (a long, long time).

Now, hopefully I can stop thinking about that (and whether I should send over the stomach medicine *now* or *later*) and work on my script study. Due tomorrow. Hey, I've got a day....

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