Saturday, December 14, 2002

As if all that wasn't enough for one night, when I got back to my room last night [around 11:30-ish], there was a note on my door to pop down and see my friend Michelle. She was bored and, by then, I was wide awake again, so we proceeded to watch "Bridget Jones's Diary" and "Labyrinth" (I'd never seen the first, she'd never seen the second, but there's no better time to watch Labyrinth than 1:30 in the morning). When both were over (at three, if you're wondering), I decided I was finally sleepy again, so I headed off to bed.

Here comes the craziest part of the entire night.

A little after four I woke up because the fire alarms were blaring down the hall. I was just awake enough to grab some shoes and a blanket, and got outside with all the other Dobsinites as we wondered what idiot had pulled the alarm for kicks. It turned out, though, that there was an actual fire on the second floor. I don't know much more past that (I'm going to try and find my SA today and beg her for details), but I know someone put the fire out with a fire extinuisher before the fire trucks showed up. [The fire station isn't even three blocks away and it took them twenty minutes to make it over. I feel so safe sometimes.] They eventually opened the class building across from the dorm so we could hang out in warmth, and we all tried to fall back asleep on majorly uncomfortable couches until they allowed us back in the dorms, 51 minutes (according to the same Michelle) later.

Too much excitement for one night, and I still got up before nine today. Will I crash around 8:30 tonight? Looks favorable.

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