Thursday, January 30, 2003

I don't know what's up with my computer, but yesterday morning it suddenly decided to display most text 10 TIMES BIGGER than what it normally is (no, that isn't an example of how it looks now, as I don't know how to do that...perhaps someone out there can let me know). This not only is obnoxious in a "I-feel-like-an-old-lady" sort of way (I already got there when I fell in with the Truman crochet craze over fall finals), but it's kinda awkward that everything I read is now size 24 font. It's also weird because Debbie has this strange habit (that isn't completely obnoxious enough to comment on yet, but it will be by mid-March) of turning around to see what I'm doing, even though I'm not drawing attention to myself in the least (generally I'm studying for history and having my periphial vision messed with every time she turns around), and now it feels like she's getting double the media infusion because not only is she watching tv and reading, she's also reading whatever I'm reading (and watching whatever Weekend Update clip I have playing at the time).

Yes, I realize I could've written that last part more effectively.

I just hope this isn't permament--that I'll just wake up, turn on Merv again, and all will be good with the world. Wait.....unless this is just Merv getting back at me for speaking against him. I love you Merv! Please love me again!

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