Sunday, February 09, 2003

I think Debbie's sufficiently asleep by now that typing won't wake her up (not that she ever sees if I'm far enough gone before turning up the volume on the tv, but hey, whatever. I usually go to bed last, anyway.) I've spent the last half hour working on filling out valentines (and helping explain why they're "I [Heart] Mud" cards instead of whatever I normally get--something that actually fits the actual Valentine theme, I guess), and, before that, five hours "working" on my brit lit paper, which yielded a grand total of one page. Sigh. Lab show auditions are tomorrow, but I think my time'll be better spent working on homework, especially since I don't want an actual role so much as a crew something (that's my current theatrical calling, I'm sure it'll change in three weeks). Then, maybe I'll actually have time to figure out the essay questions for my history test on Thursday. Or start memorizing a monologue for Friday (I think I'm going with David Ives' "Singular Kinda Guy," but changing it to "Gal" because that's what I am. It's about a guy (now girl) who thinks they're a typewriter. Man, I love David Ives.)

I just want to survive the week (which will go too too slow) so I can reach the weekend, when I get to come home (so it will go really really fast). Not much to ask, I think.

Additional Note to World: I don't know whether I should be ecstatic or worried for humanity. I think I'll flip a coin.

Finally....actual quote from Annie, after seeing "Chicago" (which was excellent, and highly recommended by me): "Wow, now I need to go to prision!"

I'm listening to "B.J. Don't Cry," and I'm going to bed. 'Night.

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