Thursday, April 03, 2003

Not that *You* want to Know This

I suppose the lowest-highest point of yesterday would be ending the day by throwing-up in the trash can outside of the BNB dorms, although it kinda fit with the sucky day. (No, it wasn't *completely* wretched--I had a blast playing tag and sardines with the rest of the cast of my one-act.) I've come to the conclusion that the under-the-weather-ness I've felt off and on for the past couple of weeks is from stressing myself to at least now I can try and correct it.

It doesn't help that I'm supposed to perform a completely memorized and blocked scene tomorrow for coaching and my partner and I haven't picked a scene yet. (Yes, if it were up to me, we would've had one last Saturday, at least.) We will not go into my feelings on this at this time.

Is it break yet?

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