Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Someone's literal minded today

I'm currently sitting in the computer lab, slightly drenched from the sudden rainstorm that popped up this afternoon, listening to someone play mediocre jazz on the out of tune piano down the hall. My day is improving not only because I *didn't* go to the language lab [I left my Spanish book back in OP], but I'm also holding a spifftacular MSN conversation with my friend Stefanie while she sits at the computer directly in front of me. So far, we've discused the plusses of not brushing your teeth (highly disgusting, I know), what animal we would be if we could (I picked penguin so I could hang out with Dick Van Dyke, Stef went with starfish so she could re-grow limbs if they were run over by lawnmowers), and generally annoyed the rest of the computer lab patrons. The day's looking up even as the weather falls down.

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