Saturday, May 24, 2003

Thanks a lot.

I'd like to send many thanks out there to all those who made my job *especially* interesting today....thanks to whoever pulled all the deep fryers out of their boxes and left the pieces all over the aisle....thanks to whoever programmed the music to continuously play melancholy romance songs and--whenever a decent bouncy song would come on--thanks to whoever kept interrupting the music to page the same people over and over again.....thanks to the cashier people who once more stuck me covering someone's break (this time, when I was about to go to lunch).....thanks also to them for sticking me at a register right as I was heading to my break.....thanks to whoever decided they didn't need that entire cart worth of groceries and instead left it outside the stationary aisle where I had to take care of it.....extra special thanks to whichever employee before me decided against actually trying to zone stationary and kitchen utentsils and instead left the area in a giant mess (agrivated by the fact that they decided to throw everything on the shelves, whether they fit or not)

Yeah, it's been a swell day.

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