Monday, October 06, 2003

*And* it ate a sock! One of my giraffe socks!

I was really motivated to do laundry this morning (mostly by the lack of clothing), but I should apparently be more awake when this happens so as to not be screwed by the machines. I'm currently surrounded by nearly all my shirts, jeans, towels, etc from this morning's loads because the dryer--no matter how many quarters I shoved into it--didn't completely finish de-wetting everything. It probably didn't help that my washing machines apparently leaked (I know my basket, which sat next to them, was soaking on the bottom). And, then nothing was completely wet, but yet not wet enough to do another load, so they're drapped over chairs, ladders, bed rails, hampers, and anywhere else available. *And* I'm out a sock, which wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't been my adorable giraffe sock that went AWOL. I should've had Mom do laundry at the hotel for free.

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