Thursday, January 22, 2004

Sunshine Day!

It actually was surprisingly sunny and March-esque yesterday, to the point of wanting to buy a Peanuts brand kite just for the irony of getting it stuck in a tree on the quad.

Other good happenings:

* I finally got to both pick up my missing textbook AND sell back my spare Spanish one that was taking up space on my shelf.

* It's cheesy, but I love it: for my latest assignment in Creative Writing, I wrote a descriptive poem about my Ice Breakers mints

* I understood Spanish class again!

* John needed someone to tape talking for his linguistics assignment (they'll analyze the tape for various things throughout the semester), and he asked me. He only needed fifteen minutes of rambling, but I handed him about twenty-five. Mostly because I can't count.

* I was asked by Tony, the stage manager for my last one-act, if I'd be willing to help him with his directing class project.

* There is [now] definite wooing going on in the world of Hannah Smith.

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