Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Melissa is an absolute *genius*

Merv came back this afternoon/evening-ish, I discovered I still couldn't get on the internet, took it up with the ITS folks again, found out they'd checked for the wrong thing and I had to come back again tomorrow, and settled in for another night without email, Addiction Solitaire, and other internet in my room.

So, why am I currently posting from my room?

Melissa, the genius of the title, made the comment that it wouldn't be fair if ITS turned off both internet ports in the room ("what if there were two computers in here, and one of them wasn't infected?"), and I changed from Port 1 to Port 2. For once, the ITS people actually worked to my advantage (as much as they've tried to screw me over for the past few weeks, that's a grand triumph).

I'm going to do all those little internet things I've missed out on for the last little bit. Toothpaste for Dinner, McSweeney's, IMDB - here I come!

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