Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Things I Found Written in the Margins of My Old Spanish Workbook

* an obvious disregard for the actual questions:

1. Por que' no pudo salir Susana con Pedro? he's a great big jerk
2. Co'mo se puso ella cuando Pedro llamo'? hung up on him (girl power!)

* social commentary

It's hard being Canadian in MO.

The thing about being short is everyone always thinks you're younger than you actually are. You're always cute and precious, and no one for one second believes you are threat to anyone

* general ranting

My headphones are massively possessed right now. Every two seconds, the click. Click click click. And then they go all static-y like I'm about to be filmed for Signs 2: We Brought Our Wet Suits, Suckers. Or Something. What number am I on again?

this is the stupidest section EVER! I will not degrade myself to listen further, yet will not lose time by fastforwarding

* comments to the writers of the workbook

you tricky fools!

what kind of funky accentuation patter is this guy following?

Not even gonna happen, babycakes.

* the occassional song

I really want to leave, yeah! Really want to leave. Oh, I so want to go right now-ow!

almost there! almost done! hate to leave when we're having fun! but we've both got better things to do than hang around at the petting zoo.

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