Saturday, April 24, 2004

And to your left...

I pulled my first tour group today as a "real" Student Ambassador, which mostly wasn't scary as I was just trailing around with a real real SA who did most of the talking and totally all the direction picking. I've had some of my fears of the future [when the "real" gets pulled out of quotation marks] alleviated, though, as I knew some statistics the real dude couldn't remember, knew all the answers to the questions parents asked, and the crowd laughed at all my jokes. It's probably the last one that gives me the most faith for the future, but I'll take whatever I can.

For the second half of the day, I volunteered to be the theatre department guide from the "everybody everybody" admissions presentation to the seperate department-sponsered presentation. This meant I had to sit through a long, drawn out talk from the president and some admissions staff workers about statistics and the perfection of Truman and blah blah blah. Essential, it was something I wouldn't even want to listen to even if I was interested in Truman, let alone now that I'm already here and know what's going on. Unfortunately for my time schedule, I ended the presentation by discovering that there were no potential theatre majors in the audience and had the stigma of being in league with the physics department (who also had no interested juniors). I call it payback for missing the original training meeting, but I still wish that I'd been able to mock the entire thing more if I was essentially there for no good reason.

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