Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Letters to People

mock accident dress rehearsal addition!

To Becky Becker, or Dr. BB (as the cast decided yesterday), who didn't get offended that I threw myself at her for a SM/ASM position in my acting journal required for class and instead agreed to let me stage manage whatever show she does next year: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

To Matt L, who is the funnest person to break into song with, especially when it's the "Elephant Love Medley" from "Moulin Rouge" because he knows both parts and will jump on furniture to simulate the set: You really shouldn't try to kiss a girl for real at the end of that song, and--even when you're faking--you should save it for a time when you're not standing in front of the smoking theatre majors, providing a show

To Alex M., who gets air vac AND chest compressions, thereby gaining all the cool medical stuff while I just play dead underneath a car: You suck. And don't call me squirt.

Bonus! To my drunk freshmen neighbors who woke me up around four this morning, screaming about how invincible you are, "just hit me! hit me!": You have no idea how hard I would hit you at this moment, confounded vice-ridden projectionists.

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