Monday, August 30, 2004

That old college fav!

The Weekend(-ish) in Bullets:

* So few people, such a fast download speed (and so, so much new music to sort)

* How sad is it that the palm tree apparently *was* a bad idea, as there is no where to put it as of yet?

* I have a roommie again, and across the hall neighbors, and suitemates, and down the hall neighbors, and basically more places to go than The Apartment.

* The plus side of spending the first half of the football game under the stadium taking cover from the rain: not actually having to watch the game. And free megaphones!

* Finding the money I hid from myself for emergencies approximately three hours after I ran out of cash. I knew my timing was good, but not that good.

* The brand new duck game on HomestarRunner rocks my flip-flops off.

* I haven't killed either plant yet!

* The "Family Guy" quoting, the point giving, and the general happiness of 340.

* Making friends with most of third floor by providing the bacon smell during suppertime last night, plus eating the bacon (and pancakes) while taking in my second viewing of "Clue" in one week.

* Favorite new band quote: the marching guy quoting "Every Breath You Take" by telling us that "every move you make, every step you take, we'll be watching you" regarding our marching style (followed by the ex-drum major/new grad assistant paraphrasing to "every form you break, every song you fake...")

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