Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Update-ness Abounds!

Okay, so it's been awhile again. We all know what that means...

The (Whatever We're Taking it From to Now) in Bullets:

* When it ends up featuring a run downtown for various coffee-related beverages, all manner of snap stitching, and rhinestones and the "Princess Christi" song, there's no other way I wouldn't wanted to spend Friday afternoon/evening than those six hours in the costume shop.

* Have you seen "Kill Bill"? Because I have! And I love them both! And I will now talk to anyone in the world who has seen them about them and their wonderfulness! (Ooh - except for that eye!) !!!

* Extra reason to keep Melissa around: when I finally felt like crashing on Friday night, I couldn't fall asleep because it was entirely too quiet in the room. I ended up putting on "Lizzie Maguire" in an effort to provide enough ignorable noise to sleep.

* That didn't work and I watched half of Jimmy Fallon's biography on A&E. Did you know that his "goofiness and charm belies the seriousness underneath?"

* Saturday was Family Day, meaning I saw my parents, enjoyed talking with my parents, and ended up with lots of food. As of today, Wednesday, that last part is no longer an issue.

* (Not an update, but related: if any of y'all want one of the remaining famous carmel brownies, there are only three and I get one.)

* Megan + all sugar diet = frighteningly more hyper than myself

* Megan + fire = so scary I seriously did run away

* Not only did I spend Sunday with quality time in the library, I was also apparently still feeling the Hilary Duff love as I kept randomly searching out songs from her multiple (yes, multiple - how sad is that?) CDs. Feel free to mock me now.

* I've possibly been talked into doing a movie for a few friends, though I technically haven't said yes yet. I haven't said no, either, and that'll probably be a big sticking point.

* Currently: I'm sick, and I don't know why (though if you have similar symptoms, I'm so blaiming you), and I finally get to leave computer aps now, so I'll stop updating.

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