Thursday, November 04, 2004

Mini Revelation: I've stopped being a writer just as I really needed to be one. Huh.

Where I Am Right Now:

* Sorry for not posting more (I kept telling myself I'd get the band trip report--featuring cops on two occassions, crowded elevators, a car wreck, and walking through the McDonald's drive-thru--out before anything else.)

* Bummed since registration went screwy and I couldn't get into the JINS class I liked above all the rest

* Ready to fly out to London at any moment, especially now that I've decided to run there over spring break and forget this summer

* Needing to talk to my parents about that (and to spit out my passport paperwork...Can I do that up here?)

* Excited about my puppet again (and puppets in general), though not the rest of the show, which seems to fall even more behind with each rehearsal

* Confused because of ... well, we'll call them "vibes" among my friends and additional comments that I don't feel like going into

* Happy and Satisfied to remain single, Thank You Very Much

* Preparing to start stage managing another one-act show involving lots of people that I already know and love to work with

* Busy, because would we really have it any other way?

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