Thursday, March 24, 2005

Emerging briefly from the mountain of Kleenex and paperwork

From make-up class yesterday:

* Apparently when you spend most of the class sans-glasses anyway, spending the entire class without them (with the mass debut of the contacts) doesn't make an imprint on people.

* If you bore the professor long enough [and--here's the key--if the professor is Joan, who is everything that is wonderful in the world], you can get her to change the midterm from a written test to a one-page double spaced essay.

* Best compliment perhaps ever (because we all know I'm obsessed with my eyes): "Hannah, somewhere in the Pre-Raphaelites, there's a madonna with your eyes."

* If you tell everyone about your old age make-up, they want to see it. If you mention that the next week is blood, guts, and gore, they completely forget about a few wrinkles.

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