Monday, October 03, 2005

Maybe you shouldn't actually check the time.

Things I have done lately because I couldn't fall asleep:

* Just now? Been attacked by a giant bug.

* fought the urge to go all Donna Reed and bake cookies

* watched several movies, including Sister Act 2, When Harry Met Sally, and Strictly Ballroom

* did my lab write-up four days before it's due

* updated [in a major rehaul fashion] my resume

* Dynomite. Lots of Dynomite.

* finally cleaned out and organized my desk drawers

* re-ordered the top shelves of my closet

* did laundry

* caught up on Gilmore Girls and Lost

* deleted a bunch of computer files I haven't used in forever

* updated Facebook, of course

* walked the halls in an effort to find the elusive sleep

* made fun of the Ambien (perscription sleep aid) commercial

* Seriously, Mr. Bug, go away.

(ETA - Not just tonight, people, I totally did laundry at 2:15 a.m. last week.)

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