Saturday, December 03, 2005


I suddenly realized that crazy neck/shoulder pain was all the stress piling on top, getting cozy, and tensing everything together. Crazy.

[Excerpt from "Hannah finds a third deck crew member last minute," as performed by phone earlier this evening]

HS: You'll be up on the catwalk--
The Incomparable Michael H.: I like it up there.
HS: I know.
TIMH.: Besides, I am the Phantom of the Courtyard.
HS: ... Right. So all you have to do is be up there and throw cigarettes and I'll bring those.
TIMH.: What? You don't think I'm dangerous?
HS: [?]
TIMH.: I ride motorcycles and smoke! Spread it around!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Hey! Those *are* related because they're both about helping me out and I must be unwittingly brilliant or something.

Okay. Done. [Insert in-joke here, if known.]