Sunday, March 26, 2006

something shorter than yesterday

There's a double-prong mark in my heel where I stepped on that board with all the staples sticking out yeserday in the shop while my shoe propped open the locked door for everyone when the usual door stop was missing. It kinda hurts.

Just to focus on some of the positive from this week:

* talking to the "robot" outside the SUB while the ninja and Pac Man (?) waited for us to finish catching up (ah, Geek Week)

* renting movies so there were new ways to distract people in the suite

* all the Peanuts games, which distract me from work by throwing cards at people...well, mostly the actual stacks

* that hollow chocolate apple, so yummy

* officially finishing the puppets for children's theatre and discovering that somewhere along the time of not working on props, they cut out so many of the props

* free laundry while housesitting, plus piano access when no one's around

* gaining all sorts of power in a production, even though joining a full week before opening

* I finished those papers ... eventually ...

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