Friday, April 21, 2006


* Today I supported the classics club (during their all-day Homerathon) by purchasing a button stating "morituri nolimus mori," or "those of us about to die don't want to." I figured it was a good choice as it was one of the few not calling my woman a whore (or some other variation).

* Do you think it's obvious that I don't care as much as I once did on my campus tours? I just can't bring myself to pull out as much energy for prospective students as I once had.

* I'm completely over-stocked in Easter candy now, so thanks Mom. This also helped with a bribery factor after those delightful indoor water fights.

* Related: I now plan to keep a load watergun on my desk at all times, just in case. I probably shouldn't mention that here as now people will know and be prepared.

* My favorite headband is still damp with Pepsi (don't ask), but I might wear it anyway because my hair is starting to want to form pigtails naturally now. This should be stopped before it becomes worse.

* I'm sorry that I seem to be brushing you off lately, unnamed person, but you keep popping by when I'm not willing to deal with people.

* Related: why am I so sleepy all the time anymore? Am I paying for the past weekend when I did basically nothing but watch movies and consume Cherry Coke? I can't exist on that much caffeine all the time; my meal plan will give out early.

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