Tuesday, August 08, 2006

one of the ways to my heart, behind good music, movies, and pickles

Today I bantered on the following subjects with the then following people:

* the use of the company wall of pictures as an instant key to learning names, followed by an impromptu quizzing on said names and recommendations for the personal bio (“it looks like you mention all the good roles you’ve ever done and jump to thanking your family”); with Luke from the shop, who is more than okay with not having his picture up on the wall yet

* the inability to work new technology on the first try purely based on previous experiences with similar technology, as in working the company microwave; with the head honcho of it all, Mrs. JC George, who then filled me in on her lack of abilities with computers, too (“He didn’t realize that my saying ‘stupid computer’ was actually a reflection of myself…”)

* the possibility of my parents getting lost forever in the woods and/or being eaten by a wild creature, followed by a list of their supplies (“’We’re headed into the wilderness! We must stock up on cheddar!’”); with my brother, who saw them last

* the best method of surviving and thriving in the midst of a zombie attack, (“Nah, don’t worry about calling a source in Missouri, you don’t even have to leave the state. Or the loop.”) a subject which I suppose I know more about than many would guess; with the fiancĂ© of one roommate, who originated it all by asking about my current reading

My favorite single quote of the day, made all the more ridiculous coming from the very proper head of development (on the seven new female interns vs. the four new male interns): “Those poor girls! They’ll never have a chance at getting married. I guess that’s why there’s outside dating.”


Anonymous said...

Are you reading the Zombie Survival Guide??? Is that where that comment came from? I need to read this (saw it at bookstore, when mildly fan-girl-ish right there.

Hannah said...

No, I'm reading "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius," which isn't quite as good as the title wishes to suggests, but still good. It's the best book Orlando has read this past summer, however, and thus extended the conversation.

Caleb Michael said...

The Zombie Survival Guide is a killer book; especially the timeline at the end detailing zombie outbreaks throughout the ages. I loaned it to a friend once and he never gave it back.

It's some book... and some friend...

Anonymous said...

i completely agree with caleb on this one. One of the best reads i've ever read. I'm totally surviving when the zombies do attack (it will happen, eventually). Also, the timeline in the back, although completely unbibliographized, is horrifying.

(and if the word "unbibliographized" is technically not a word, then i sincerely apologize.)

Anonymous said...

Nonsense. It has the root word "biblio," and is therefore above criticism.