Monday, August 21, 2006

Why, yes, I actually have a multitde of other things I've been meaning to post, but this'll do for now.

Just now, describing the plot of "Smoke on the Mountain," to a woman on the phone:

ME: the family mainly plays their instruments and sings their songs, but often hijinks ensue.
HER: What was that? That last part?
ME: (slower) Hijinks ensue.
HER: What ensue? Spell that.
ME: (wishing had used a different word) H-I-J-I-N-K-S.
HER: H-I-J-N-K-S? What are you trying to say?
ME: *Craziness* ensues...
HER: OH! Okay.
ME: Sorry. That was me using an English major word.

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