Thursday, September 14, 2006

back to the lab

One great flaw in my theory that, in general, theater people should not date other theater people remains that the only other available option ("non-theater people") are somewhat lacking when it comes to the "understanding why theater should make anyone stressed" department.

(As a special note to my mother, in a preemptive sense: this ephiphany is not meant to imply that I'm dating anyone, theater, non-theater, or whatever inbetween exists, because I'm not and therefore need not be questioned on such.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hannah, thank you for that special note to me about dating and not dating. It would be a shame if I called you when I didn't need to. Hannah's Mom
PS. Did you "hear" the sarcasm in the "voice" of my writing? Guess that writers workshop all of the teachers had to attend this week taught me something.