Tuesday, October 17, 2006


The alternate title could've been "feels like home," as I spent the best part of my evening playing my favorite card game with some classy people (with classy trash talk, naturally). Of the four of us, three had played under different names, leaving the fourth to adopt his own title (Crap!, exclamation point so included) so we could each yell out our individual name upon winning the round. Did you know that in some versions you can receive a 10 pt. bonus upon winning the round while in others you're actually encouraged to hold off yelling the name to rack up more points (instead of people simply doing so on a case-by-case, I don't want them to yell at me for winning again basis).

Other tidbits:
* Some people now know that I like to hit people, and strenuously encourage the hitting of others. Though I would like to add, for my mother's sake, that I did not actually do any of the hitting last night.

* Having watched "Beaches" only a few hours before the rousing card sharking, I must say that if the grand ways to bond with my roommate are through movies and cards, life obviously has things worked out.

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