Sunday, December 03, 2006

nothing much to say

I feel obligated to post something, but my life has hit a round of routine again. I do the show (sometimes twice), I hit the box office for a few hours, and then I come home to work on a variety of non-essential projects (organizing photos online, reading library books, trying to clear things off the DVR).

I need to do some Christmas shopping. I also need to use my Best Buy coupon while it's still good and I have a seasonal product I wish to purchase (ah, every onward quest to gain the entire Muppets canon). I further need to complete various pieces of paperwork (production reports, ASM duties list for the temporary replacement, update the quotes list). Soon.


Anonymous said...

1. Does the "muppet canon" include the animated episodes of the Muppet Babies (a cherished piece of my childhood)?

2. If yes, do you know if they're available somewhere?

Hannah said...

1. Yes. Most assuradly. (Assuredly? Doesn't matter.)

2. I recently found "Beauty and the Schnozz" (with Gonzo trying to get Piggy to like him, Cyrano references abound by the end) on Limewire, and I have another episode from the Truman network years ago, but that's all I've tracked down [to download; I bet YouTube has stuff].

Anonymous said...

They have the Star Wars/Jetsons/Star trek one, but it's cut up and missing some pretty big chunks. And I think you gave me the Truman one: the one with the koala, right? Anyway, I was just trying to see if they had been released on to DVD at some point and I hadn't heard. Thanks, though, and good luck with your quest!