Saturday, December 16, 2006


I'm still vastly confused about who my Secret Santa is, but I think the same holds true for the person I've been gifting.

I spent three hours last night (after the hour spent bellydancing, and the two-three-ish hours I spent collapsed on my couch asleep) moving most of my college years onto disk. I still haven't hit the empty button on the recyle bin, but those 62 items need to go somewhere.

Eye glasses appointment made for next week: check. Accidentally made less than two hours before the company Christmas party: check.

Unless you're in my immediate family (this list includes some close friends), or I found something absolutely perfect, I do not plan to shop for you this year. I'm sorry that I work in theater...but not really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to get to see you and hold you will be a present for me. I want to hear you laugh and talk in person. And your brother will be here as well. It will be a great Christmas