Saturday, August 18, 2007

My English major side cries for my lack of full paragraphing.

As I walked to the theater last night in the post-downpour dusk with a touch of BBQ somewhere close on the breeze, I realized that my favorite scent is summer.

I had a dream where--among other things--I told off someone I know who *really* needs to be told off. And then I woke up with an upset stomach. Clearly, I'm not the gal for the job.

The longest of evening of P&P ever led to the latest start of a High School Musical 2 premiere party ever, and eventually full-force mocking by 2 a.m. I think this is how the movie should always be watched, though I'm not baking cupcakes every single time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm a big surprised your English major side hasn't murdered you over the past year. Or at least attempt to murder you.