Tuesday, April 19, 2011

(I tried to post this yesterday, but Blogger was having None. Of. It. I watched Jurassic Park instead.)

this happens more often than you might think

Project I started out on tonight: gluing pieces into shadowbox frame so it can hang on my wall and not sit on my couch

Projects this led to: searching for glue - checking through crafts boxes - organizing craft boxes - organizing desk boxes - giving up and checking Twitter

Project I should've tried for instead: posting pictures of the apartment, what with the one month* anniversary today and all

Project outcomes [probable]: eventually, last box checked, unfulfilled, neverending, even more neverending, about to go back and see if something new has posted, tomorrow?

(*Talk about not playing chicken with your problems - one month ago I was stressed about cleaning the old place, getting everything moved, dealing with Inspector shows, and impending Pinocchio tech. The only thing still remotely on that list is Pinocchio, though the show mostly runs itself at this point. Jeepers.)

1 comment:

Travis said...

You have project ADD.