Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What is UP, 1+ AM!

I should probably update the links in the sidebar, as the only site that I still regularly visit is my One True Love, IMDB (and a bunch of those blogs haven't posted in years), but it's been three months since I last posted here, so I don't think the links are probably anyone else's concern, either.

I moved into Apartment Blackjack eight years ago today. Sadly, I'm probably not going to have time for city gardening, as I often do on the move-eversary, though more because I don't have the time to run somewhere for new plants what with the "running two separate shows' rehearsals and a third's audition prep" thing that is my life right now. Hey self, remind me what February was like, when there was nothing pressing going on, and why we squandered all that time?

I'm probably wish I had gone ahead and re-written blocking tonight (technically last night) when I get to rehearsal, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I did the rest of the to-do list and answered all the audition emails, which are two small miracles.

It's been long enough since dinner that I'm hungry again, but I'm pretty sure eating something now is not going to help my falling asleep somewhere in the next PLEASE SOON.

The stream-of-consciousness of this blog post is sponsored by the year 2009.

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