Sunday, October 13, 2019

So here's where my brain is this morning.
Say whatever you will about Disney's need to remake their animated films as live action, but the thought of "have courage and be kind" hits me deep down. Naturally courageous people - who are ready to stride out into the world, able to not care about how others feel about their actions - may be less thoughtful about how their behavior affects others, and the naturally kind can become so battered by the way the world takes advantage of that tender-heartedness that it becomes scary to put yourself into the world. The notion of being brave enough to live life strongly and without hesitation while also being able to care deeply for those around you (and for yourself! have the courage to be kind to yourself!) feels so foreign to me some days, and so beautiful, tangibly close on others.

Anyway, Hiding Place closes today. Which doesn't - but also totally does - pertain to the above.

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