Monday, January 24, 2022

If you wanna know how my sanity is going today, I've had Oklahoma's "The Farmer and the Cowman" stuck in my head ALL. DAY. Except it's not the full song, but the last two lines of the chorus, over and over and over. 

 Also it's only today, when I tried to purge the song by listening to it in its entirety and thus (more importantly) looked up the lyrics so I could post about this somewhere, that I realized I've learned the lyrics wrong. I have always heard "Cowboys dance with the farmer's daughters / Farmers dance with the ranchers' COWS." (Nope. It's "ranchers' GALS.") 

And sure, that means it's a half-rhyme with the previous section (pals/cows), but I still think it's a far superior lyric choice. They're all fighting! *Of course* one group would tell the other to dance with livestock! I thought that was the joke, and also thought it was funny enough to be sustained through multiple uses. 

 I plan to ignore the fact that I'm wrong about this lyric and stick with "cow." 

 [I love that this is my first post in about two years. All the things I could've posted in the rest of 2020 and then 2021, but nope. Ranchers' cows.]


will.ledesma said...

I'm so happy that, six months later, I found this post.

Hannah said...

And now it's two months more, and I'm so happy to see your comment!

Hannah's Mom said...

Farmers dance with the ranchers cows? I understand your explanation, but really, didn't you know enough cows to know dancing wasn't what you do with them? However, this post makes me happy to see you writing something, so I will check back from time to time.
Hannah's Mom

Hannah said...

Why yes, I did just fix the formatting on this post, a year and a half after I first posted it. Thanks for noticing. :)