Monday, October 14, 2002

Boy, this past weekend was insane. Saturday was homecoming up here (When I come home, I'll get two in one week--fab!), so I had a parade at nine-ish (meaning I actually had to get up around 7 to be able to get downtown by 8:30). It started to rain by the end, so we got to cancel practice, but that just meant that I could go to filmclub filming [*back* downtown] at ten. I hung out there, had my hair sprayed gray for my scene, hung out some more, and finally got to around noon when I had to leave [withOUT getting my scene shot] to run back to the dorm, throw on my marching band uniform again, and line up to walk down to the stadium for the game. Once we were all at the game, it started to rain again, so the band missed the entire first quarter because we were taking shelter under the stadium. Where it leaked. (At least it was semi-warm.) By the beginning of the second quarter, however, it was only drizzling slightly, so we got the honor of sitting on the (newly-wet) bleachers in the rain and cold and wind. Not fun. AND we lost the game [see rant below, por favor.....I was ticked]. But, at least we got to leave and relax. Or, maybe that was what I was supposed to do....instead, I ran back to my dorm, took a quick shower (my hair was still gray--boy, did I get questions from the band), ate a bowl of cereal, and ran over to a dorm building across campus to meet my filmclub group to talk about our comercial we're filming. I get to have trash dumped on me to demonstrate how much litter piles up during one day or year or whatever. (Yes, I volunteered for this.) Then I finally got to go back to my dorm and the form of working on my writing class paper.

And that was only Saturday. On Sunday, I had auditions for "A Christmas Carol" (or a version there of) at three, so I tried to do homework between lunch and that. I read for one of the very first scenes, but everyone else seemed to want to do the same monologue as me, and I didn't want to go right after someone else's rendition. I finally got out around 5:30, thank goodness. And my monologue didn't completely suck---it did at the beginning, but then I loosened up and just let loose. It was fun, and got rid of pent-up energy.

Okay, so Sunday wasn't so bad. But, Saturday almost did me in, so that counts for enough.

Go ahead, email me and tell me how horrible your weekend was. I like getting perspective on why my life isn't as wretched as I think it is sometimes. It keeps me sane. (Well, as sane as I get.)

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