Sunday, November 10, 2002

Speaking of deleting things.....blogger just ate my last post. Dang. I guess this means I have to write it again. Double dang.

This was a crazy weekend. Friday had the most gorgeous November weather I've ever seen--it was a confounded high of 74 degrees! I didn't have any classes in the afternoon, so I took my lawn chair out to the quad and sat and read for three hours. I'd actually planned to work on my schedule and four-year plan, but I didn't. I didn't work on either of those that evening/night, either, as I worked on not watching The Lord of the Rings (remember--I flubbed up my DVD player?) instead.

Saturday morning, my wonderful parents drove up, picked me up, and drove me back home. (Did I mention they were wonderful? Because they really really are and I love them so much) I did laundry all afternoon, along with some math homework and schedule work. That night I went to my high school's production of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe"--the main reason for my journey home. It was a pretty good show---the White Witch was wonderfully evil, my friend Kelly had two (*two!*) sword fight sequences, and I got to see lots of my drama people. I actually ended up at an unofficial semi-cast party singing country songs (and Bohemian Rhapsody, a must for any sing-along situation) very loudly at Pizza Hut. The party moved to Jeani's house around 10-ish, and I got home around 11:40 (yes, I had a curfew and yes, I was late). I eventually fell asleep on the couch around 1:30 watching Ocean's Eleven, woke up around 6:30 lamenting the fact that I didn't get to sleep on my regular, not-up-in-the-air bed, moved to said bed, and fell asleep watching the sun rise through the crack in my curtains.

Sunday morning, I woke up a couple hours later, got ready for church, started feeling a little sick, but managed to sit through the sermon in Ezekiel and go downstairs for the meal (leftovers from a dinner held Friday night) before I felt really ill. We finally went back home, but only long enough to pack and get in the car before leaving for campus. I tried to work on my four-year plan again, feel nauseous, fell sleep to try and feel better, woke up, worked on my plan some more, and gave up about three miles outside Kirksville. I dropped all my stuff off, walked my parents back to the car, cried for awhile, reminded myself Thanksgiving was in two weeks, and ate my supper. Unfortunetly, eating kinda made me sick again, and I ended up [finally] throwing-up in the four floor lounge's trash can. This wasn't exactly the best place, but at least I felt better. I then threw away the rest of my sandwich (there wasn't much, and I certainly wasn't going to eat any more after seeing it again that soon), and ran to one-act practice. Where I sat for half an hour with the cast until we finally decided the director had either died on his way back from Kansas City or was in jail for stealing bells. (Long story--I'll explain another time.) Got back to the room just in time to hear Brian (the director)'s message on the phone (Apparently, someone who got a ride with him became rather sick on the ride back and they had spend some quality time at a McDonald's parking lot.) Then, I sat down at the computer, typed out my four-year plan, wished for luck that I would actually work out, and typed out a blog entry.

Then I had to type it again because blogger ate it. But you already knew that. I'm thinking bed is a good idea for right now, but I have a brand new Delia's catalog and I won't have time for it in the morning. Although, bed has nice warm blankets......

Yeah, that's gonna win. Goodnight, y'all. (Please, Lord, let this actually post.)

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