Thursday, November 07, 2002

Truly Bizarrness

I was working on a paper in my writing class today, when I wrote the word "occupy" and I suddenly flashed back to seventh grade SAGE class and how annoying I was. I can't believe I actually (on many occassions) just ran in circles around poor Dan Culp saying "occupy! occupy!" How did I have friends back then if I acted this way to people? I just want to apologize to Dan for that, along with anyone else I did some weird annoying thing to during that time of my life. I'm very embarrassed to look back on that, and I have no clue why that suddenly came to me in class today.

I feel better now.

Anyway, I know I promised (pinky swore and everything!) a real post--what? Two days ago? My life's been suddenly taken over by my next submission in my writing class, and it doesn't look like I'll be free until I actually turn it in next Thursday. (Oh, golly, I hope it doesn't take that long.) So, forgive me, y'all, but I want to keep my scholarship.

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