Friday, November 08, 2002

*Happy Birthday, Sam!*

That's right, y'all, it's my friend Sam's 18th birthday! (It's also my half birthday, so if you want to get me something, just check out this. Rock out, Moxy Fruvous!) In honor of this wonderful occassion, here's....

A Couple of Great Things About Sam

* She sends poor college students (like me) letters in decorated envelopes with a package of Pop Rocks and a couple stickers--the greatest things to find in the dull gray dorm mailbox.
* I'm four hours away, but still completely current on my hometown gossip because she fills me in over MSN at night.
* She introduced me to the scrapbook store downtown with its Wall of Stickers.
* My junior year, we roomed together at state music festival and called all our friends with different accents for hours.
* The way she always tries to spread a little joy around the world.
* Sam's laugh. There's no way to describe it, but it just makes me happy.

BTWY ("by the way, y'all") --- the comment board's going to stick around as long as Jennifer's making comments on it. I'd love for this to turn into the Hannah and Jennifer show, 'cause she cracks me up so much!

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