Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Yeah, I know....I used to be so gung-ho about posting all the time. You know that sensation you get when a big rubber mallet comes into contact with the back of you skull? I don't know it specifically, but I can guess it's a whole lot like what life's doing to me right now. I think all my professors suddenly figured out there's only a few weeks left before finals and since they surely haven't taught us anything yet, they have to now. Bleck. I just had to report that when I went to get my mail today, I was listening to the music blaring from open windows in the dorm (it's a really nice day out today). There was the expected rock, alternative, and rap, but I was vastly surprised by the person blasting "The Song That Never Ends" out of their second floor window. Man, I'm so glad I'm not that person's roommate.

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