Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Dining Room Observations:

* Getting egg yolk in your hair (because your stylish new layered hair enjoys flopping in front of your face, no matter what you do) is one of the most disgusting ways to start out your day.

* Maybe it's just me, but I don't think melon of any kind should taste sour (unless it's one of those Starburst things)

* I have no pity for those St. Louis people complaining about how cold the weather is right now. When it hit eight degrees up here, I broke back out my jacket and lost the scarf and bulky winter coat.

* No matter how much you dab your food with the little paper napkin, you're not getting rid of any actual grease as much as pushing the grease into the food farther.

* Trying to get the egg yolk out of your hair ten minutes later back in your dorm is almost worse than getting it into your hair in the first place.

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