Tuesday, March 11, 2003

And it was sunny today, too!

Beautifimous day.....I bought an adorable purse that is much too small for all my last purse carried and some tacky bracelets that I probably would've seen as hot stuff back when I was, oh, six or seven. I also jetted all around town in the moose-mobile, re-broke in an old pair of flip-flops, and garnered all sorts of new email addresses when I visited school for a few hours.

Low point of the day:
having blood spontaneously gush from my nose, although I was merely sitting on the couch, reading old msn messages and listening to the Chicago soundtrack (although the fact that I've had to re-type this post three different times now is starting to climb the list).

High point of the day:
mocking American Idol. Speaking of which, does Paula Abdul dance when *all* the contestants sing, or just the male ones? How desperate for a date are you, Ms. Abdul?

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