Monday, March 17, 2003

Introducing...Hannah's Prom Tips

While browsing at Hastings yesterday afternoon, I discovered a $4 special on a book called PROM! The Complete Guide to a Truly Spectacular Night. With as swirly as the cover font was, I couldn't help but purchase it. (That, and I knew a book that featured "Carrie" as a pre-prom movie was ripe for mocking.)

So, for the next month or so, I feel like doling out random bits of "helpful information" from the pages of Nancy Krulik's ever-so-helpful book. (And, Nancy, if you ever find this, I'm just kidding and in no way am I getting paid for this...please, dear Lord, don't sue me.)

#1: Nancy Says, "Tell him that you're willing to pay for the prom...[t]here's always a good chance that he'll want to pick up the whole tab."
Hannah Says, "Act like you really want to help, thereby concealing your true motive to get out of the bill. Classy."

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