Tuesday, April 29, 2003

At least I'll get to sleep in

Good News: I got every class I planned to take.

Bad News: They're not exactly when I wanted to take them. And, I'll probably need a bicycle to make it to my MWF classes, as I go from Barnett to Violette to the rugby field for Marching Band (ten minutes between each--y'all will never see me in the afternoons).

Anyway, here's what I've got going on next year:

* Writing about Lit 1:30-2:20
* Intermediate Spanish I 2:30-3:20
* Marching Band 3:30-5:20

* Stats 10:30-11:50
* Speech 1:30-2:50
* History and Lit of Theatre III 3:00-4:20

In other words, I'll never get up early all next year. Yay!

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