Tuesday, April 22, 2003

While I'm completely NOT sleepy...

It's Tuesday [barely]! Question time!

What is....

1. Yummier: Chocolate ice cream or strawberry cheesecake? must you even ask?? Cheesecake, all the way!

2. Better to watch on TV: Movies or sports? yet again, movies, but I despise watching sports *anytime*

3. A better web browser: MSIE or Netscape (or tell us your own favorite!) Merv only supports Explorer, so I have to go with the first one

4. A better way to travel: Automobile or bus/train? bus only on a band trip, and then it needs a good sing-a-long in the back to keep things interesting

5. Your preferred camera: Digital or film? regular film, but I despise most technology (and I'm too cheap to get a digital)

6. A Cooler Vehicle: Motorcycle or sports car? motorcycles are *way* cooler, but I don't think I'd be able to get one

7. More fun: Video games or board games? board games--they're good for people with semi-faulty depth perception and little hand-eye coordination

8. Sexier: A perfect body or an intelligent mind? out of these two, an intelligent mind, but nothing's better than somebody who can make me laugh

9. A stinkier smell: Skunk or gasoline (petrol)? skunk...there are actual times when I kinda *like* the smell of gasoline

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: What is more important to you: making a ton of money and being at the top of your field, or finding your soulmate and living a comfortable but not wealthy life? hmm....I'm not feeling all that romantic at the moment, so I'll have to go with great success at the top of my field (whatever that is anymore)

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