Saturday, May 31, 2003

If you're good to Hannah...

I was messing with trashbags the other day when an older lady threathened her obnoxious granddaughter by saying "See that lady right there? If you don't stop, she'll put you in Wal-Mart jail and I won't be able to get you out." At the time, the comment was rather amusing but later I started thinking about what a flahoolickly cool idea Wal-Mart Jail would be. A place to stash hideously annoying and/or loud children where not even their spoiling grandparents can reach them? Sure, someone would have to watch them and make sure the brats don't kill each other, but I'm sure there are some out of work actors (or should be out of work--I'm looking at you, Carrot Top) who need money that desperately. Beyond that, if *I* were in charge, this entire idea becomes that much cooler. If nothing else, I picture myself like Queen Latifah in "Chicago": every inmate comes to you for help (which you over-charge them for each time), you get tickets to acts featuring your ex-inmates for evening plans, and occassionally get to belt out a song while wearing lots of feathers. Who wouldn't want a gig like that?

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