Wednesday, May 28, 2003

This-or-That Gets a Theme Again

May 27: Personal Habits, Quirks, Routines, etc.

1. Do you prefer silence or do you like background sound (music, TV, etc)? silence generally drives me crazy after awhile, but I don't require much to consider something "background noise" (my typing on the keyboard counts right now)

2. Bathe/shower in morning or evening? I prefer in the evening so I don't have to mess with drying my hair, but it's hard to take a shower at 11 at night when everyone else is asleep, so I usually go for the morning

3. Sleeping in complete darkness, or with a nightlight on? after spending nine months with a street light shinning in my window, it's hard to fall asleep in complete darkness

4. Lay out clothes the night before, or just grab what's closest in the morning? what, you think I plan and coordinate all my jeans and t-shirts? Somebody has too much faith in me

5. Hang up/fold clothes neatly, or just toss them wherever? I usually fold everything...whether they get put away properly is another story

6. Work out at a gym, or at home on your own (or do you not bother with exercise)? Y'all I'm walking and running around Wal-Mart enought (and I had to go up and down those confounded stairs in Dobson) that I don't think about "real" exercise

7. Talk on the phone, or via IM/e-mail? I suck at talking on the phone and therefore try to avoid it, so internet is my best bet (although I never have time to do either)

8. Are you usually on time, or late? I try to be on time...

9. Spendthrift or frugal? Aren't they the same things with different connotations? (I'm not pulling out the dictionary to check)...I don't spend much, but I generally spend more than I should whenever I finally break out the cash/checkbook/whatever

10. Thought-Provoking Question of the Week: [replaced by one of my own because I didn't care for the official question] You cat always ignores you until you ignore her back, then she always seems to get in the way. How do you react? I'd give an answer, but Patches is blocking the keyboard right now.

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