Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I Did Survive

Despite some customers' best efforts, I managed to survive the holiday weekend. Of course, when the highlights of the weekend are hitting a customer with a box of flowers (not on purpose--it fell over the wall--but definitely not without enjoyment) and watching someone try to tie a very large chifferobe on top of his tiny car with only one package of rope (if only I had a picture).

I'm hoping life calms down enough again for me actually to have a life, but I'm afraid I'll get sucked back into Wal-Mart land like I did last summer. When you spend all your evenings at the same place, it's hard to get out and see people (unless they come find you, although that's not the best option because I'd probably keep on working instead of stopping to chat). Quality time with the cat and disenfranchised Wal-Mart employees (AKA: happily married women who keep trying to set me up with over-night workers...who knew I was such a catch?) are about all I have anymore.

I'll see a fair amount of people (and by that I mean the population of Sullivan) at graduation on Friday, although all you seniors will be too busy being important for me to grab you for a quick chat. Enjoy your last day of public education today, and don't die before graduation. (That's sorta a joke.) Good luck to the people who have to give [and still write] speeches and those who have to sing and even everyone else who has to sit there without going crazy for a couple hours. I've been there, I've done all three; God be with you.

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