Monday, January 19, 2004

Commercial break

Hey, look! Stalling with trailers! (Get it? Talking about trailers in between homework assignments--it's a double meaning thing!....Okay, I'll go away now.)

Here, in order of viewing, the trailers that piqued my interest between Creative Writing brainstorming and Creative Writing writing.

* Ella Enchanted - Dudes. What have you done to my book?!? This trailer hardly picks up on my fav aspects of the book, instead going for cheap visual jokes (what's with the Matrix referencing?) and characters that wouldn't've hung out in the book. Why are you messing with an award winning book?!?

* Van Helsing - And now for something completely different....Hugh Jackman! Okay, so I really don't know the backstory to this character, and it's not generally a movie I would probably see normally, but it has Hugh and it opens the day before my birthday, so I'll mostly likely suck it up and go. (it looked like the art director had a grand time, if nothing else)

* A Cinderella Story - Here's where my stomach for the teen genre gets all gooey. I guess it's a "good for her" to Ms. Duff that she keeps getting movie deals (how does Chad Michael Murry keep getting himself into these things), but this looks a little much, even for me. And I watched The Lizzie Maguire Movie. Twice. In a row. (It was my cousin's decision, though; don't look at me like that.)

* 50 First Dates - I already saw this trailer before Big Fish back home, but I still really want to see this movie. I know last year when I did this (isn't it fun how I keep doing the same things over again at the same time as the previous year?), I expressed distaste for Adam Sandler movies. However, now that I've seen The Wedding Singer, I've changed my mind regarding some.

* Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen - I like the idea of this teen flick more than some other recent ones because, if I was a different person, I could see myself as this chick. Make of that statement what you will. Besides, when that punk band of mine actually gets off the ground, I'm totally stealing the movie poster's look for the first (maybe second) album cover.

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