Saturday, April 03, 2004

To quote somebody, "If you've done it, it ain't bragging"

I could do some cutesy story about how it took forever to get back to my room and check my mail yesterday, but it'd just be long and drawn out when all I really want to do is brag on myself and tell the world that I am, as of yesterday or whenever the mailed it or whatever, an official student ambassador for Truman State University, which means I get to give tours and answer questions and basically be a used car salesman-type person in that I must sell the school to high schoolers who's parents made them fill out the application or whatever and now I'm just slightly babbling because I wasn't sure it would happen after the "drunken sorority girls" fiasco (though, if I didn't make it, I was totally going to blame it on drunken sorority girls without explaining that it was just a quote or whatever)

and now I'm just babbling slightly because it still hasn't sunken in all the way and I'm hungry so I'm going to lunch.

(Wow, I should edit this later.)

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