Saturday, May 15, 2004

End of Semester/Beginning of Summer Thank Yous

* Thank you, Stagecraft, for teaching me the difference between Phillips and Standard screwdrivers. I'd been faking it for years.

* Thank you, Scrubs Season One, for being illegally downloadable off the network so I could watch all of you while messing around with scrapbook stuff.

* Thank you, everyone I know, for being so confounded photographable all year long.

* Thank you, Caleb, for not needing a ride this afternoon, as I may go to the movies now instead. Or just veg on the couch again.

* Thank you, Patches, for not eating the pizza off my plate or the popcorn out of my bowl.

* Thank you, my hair, for somehow knowing when I really need something to cheer me up and automatically looking really good without me making an effort.

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